Agorafobie deur Peter Louw - Grade 8 & 9 Afrikaans FAL poem
Gedig (poem)
Agorafobie (Agoraphobia) Peter Louw
1. Ek hou my oë op die grond. I keep my eyes on the ground.
2. so bly ek ewewigtig1 so I stay balanced
3. en versigtig and careful
4. geestesgesond.2 emotionally healthy
5. Want ek kyk op, For I look up
6. staan die ligte afgrond stands the light abyss
7. oor my kop. over my head
8. Dan klou3 ek aan die aarde soos ’n neet, Then I cling to the earth like a nit**,
9. en die aarde is genadig, and the earth is merciful,
10. het my stewig beet4 has me firmly held
11. en wieg my tot ek gaap and cradles/rocks me until I yawn
12. ek kan vergeet I can forget
13. dat, onder die planeet, that, under the planet,
14. ’n tweede afgrond donker slaap. a second abyss darkly sleeps
Foot notes:
ewewigtig: ‘n Toestand van balans waar kragte mekaar uitgebalanseer (A state of balance where forces balance each other out)
Geestesgesond: [“gees” (spirit) + “gesond” (healthy)] Can mean mentally, spiritually or emotionally healthy. Healthy innerworld.
Klou: “klou” is a claw
stewig beet literally: “firmly bitten”
figuratively: “grasps me tightly”
Wieg: Bed vir 'n baba waarmee 'n kind saggies heen en weer beweeg word (Bed for a baby with which a child is gently moved back and forth ie. cradle)
*Agoraphobia: a mental anxiety disorder - fear of open spaces, crowds or unfamiliar spaces. From the Greek words “Agora” (market place) + Phobia (fear)
**nit is a louse egg
Neet- Nit
Wieg - cradle
afgrond - abyss
Possible Questions
Hoeveel strofies is daar? How many stanzas are there?
Daar is drie strofies. There are three stanzas.
Gee ‘n ander woord vir “balans”? Give another word for “balance”.
Wat is die verteller se gevoelens in hierdie gedig? What are the speaker's feelings in this poem?
Hy voel vrees. He feels fear.
Se of die volgende stelling WAAR of ONWAAR is. Say if the following statement is TRUE or FALSE.
Die verteller se geestesgesondheid is nie veilig nie. The speaker’s mental health is not safe.
Haal ‘n woord uit die gedig aan wat jou antwoord bewys. Quote a word out of the poem that proves your answer.
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