Paljas translation 4


1) KATRIEN: Hendrik, los die kind. (Hy hoor nie; of wil nie hoor nie: hy sit nog steeds en staar.) ... Hendrik! 

HENDRIK: Wat maak ek? 

2) KATRIEN: Los hom net. Die hele gesprek vind plaas sonder dat Katrien een keer omkyk. Maar op haar gesig is iets soos pyn of dalk frustrasie.

3)  Voor die agterdeur op die klipharde kaal werfie hang Katrien vadoeke aan die wasgoeddraad. Die passasierstrein kom verby. Sy staan tussen die vadoeke, haar hande op die draad, en kyk hoe die kompartemente verbyflits.

4)  Emma, miskien nog in haar nagklere, staan op die stoep en kyk.

5) Klein Willem sit in sy kamer op die vensterbank en kyk. 'n Mens weet dis sy kamer, want die dak hang vol vliegtuigies en die mure is vol prente van motors en rugbyspelers. 

6) Katrien staan steeds buite by die wasgoeddraad en kyk hoe die laaste kompartemente verbygaan. Haar oë volg die kondukteurswa. Sy staan en kyk hoe die trein wegraak. Eers dan, ná nog 'n paar tellings, draai sy om en loop die huis in. Maar haar kop is by die trein.

7) KATRIEN (roep êrens): Boetie, die trein is verby. (Kort pouse.) Jy gaan laat wees. (Pouse.) Moenie vergeet om jou pa te groet nie. 

8) HENDRIK: O nee, nie so nie. Sê! (Die kind hou aan wuif met 'n oop handpalm.) Sê, Willem. (Dringend, maar nie onvriendelik nie.) Sê "tot siens, Pa


1) KATRIEN: Hendrik, leave the child alone. (He doesn't hear; or doesn't want to hear: he still sits and stares.) ... Hendrik!

HENDRIK: What am I doing?

2) KATRIEN: Just leave him alone. The whole conversation takes place without Katrien looking back once. But on her face is something like pain or perhaps frustration.

3) In front of the back door on the stone-hard barren yard, Katrien hangs dishcloths on the clothesline. The passenger train comes by. She stood between the dishcloths, her hands on the thread, and watched the compartments flash by.

4) Emma, ​​perhaps still in her night clothes, stands on the porch and watches.

5) Little Willem sits on the windowsill in his room and watches. You know it's his room, because the roof is full of airplanes and the walls are full of pictures of cars and rugby players.

6) Katrien is still standing outside by the clothesline watching the last compartments go by. Her eyes followed the conductor's carriage. She stood and watched the train disappear. Only then, after a few more counts, does she turn and walk into the house. But her head is with the train.

7) KATRIEN (shouting from somewhere): Brother, the train has passed. (Short pause.) You're going to be late. (Pause.) Don't forget to say goodbye to your father.

8) HENDRIK: Oh no, not like that. Say it! (The child continues to wave with an open palm.) Say, Willem. (Urgent, but not unkind.) Say “goodbye, Dad


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