CAPS Drama resources
This is a list of resources for teachers and students of CAPS FET Drama.
This is a compact list of things you may cover in Drama over Grades 10 - 12. There are links to helpful, short videos that can be used in class, or as a preparation for class and even as revision. I've tried to find the shortest and most interesting videos.
Ancient Greek Tragedy
The Three Tragedians, were Aeschylus, Sophocles and Euripides.
Rudolf Laban created a language of movement called Laban Movement Analysis.
The four elements
- SPACE/FOCUS - direct /indirect
- TIME - quick / sustained
- WEIGHT - heavy / light
- FLOW- bound / free
Arthur Lessac was an actor, speech therapist and voice teacher. He developed Lessac Kinesensic Training and the Body NRGs which he called potency, buoyancy and radiancy.
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