
Showing posts from August, 2022

Absurdist Theatre - Study notes FET Drama

Theatre of the Adsurd The sociopolitical backdrop  of  Absurdist Theatre Absurdism in theatre arose in the post World-War II era. This was the age of the atomic bomb. People were disillusioned with both religion and technology. They battled to make sense the meaning of life. Absurdist theatre explores the reflects the sense of futility they experienced. The defining philosophy of Absurdism is existentialism .  The main concern of the existentialist philosophy is the meaning of existence. Existence is seen as meaningless and cruel. Each person has to make a real effort get themselves out of their absurd situation. Characteristics of Absurdist theatre: The structure of the play is cyclical ( non linear ).  The play does not have a clear beginning, middle or end Action does not move towards a specific objective There is  no climax  - rather a cycle of anti-climaxes. There is no logical development Language in Theatre of the Absurd often goes nowhere...
Afrikaans  for  Beginners  Lesson 1  

What is an Apostrophe in Poetry?

Apostrophe  in  Poetry (Not the Punctuation mark)  

The Merchant of Venice Super Simple Summaries -(Eng HL)

The Merchant of Venice  Super Simple Summaries For Patreon, click here   To donate to my Paypal click here Act I  - Scene i Download the free printable comic book of this scene here  

Shakespeare and the Elizabethan Chain of Being (English HL + FAL and CAPS Drama)

Shakespeare  and the  Elizabethan Chain of Being This video will be helpful to you if you study Shakespeare in any capacity.  Whether you aim to perform in a Shakespearean play or you are simply a student of William Shakespeare, It is important to understand the Great Chain of Being as it is a fundamental undercurrent to Shakespeare's world and defines the lives of all of his characters and the events in his plays.  

CAPS Drama resources

This is a list of resources for teachers and students of CAPS FET Drama. This is a compact list of things you may cover in Drama over Grades 10 - 12. There are links to helpful, short videos that can be used in class, or as a preparation for class and even as revision. I've tried to find the shortest and most interesting videos. Ancient Greek Tragedy The Three Tragedians, were Aeschylus, Sophocles and Euripides. Laban Rudolf Laban created a language of movement called Laban Movement Analysis. The four elements SPACE/FOCUS  - direct /indirect TIME - quick / sustained WEIGHT - heavy / light FLOW- bound / free The Efforts Punch Dab Press Glide Slash Flick Wring Float Web site : Lessac Arthur Lessac was an actor, speech therapist and voice teacher. He developed  Lessac Kinesensic Training and the Body NRGs which he called potency , buoyancy and radiancy. Website : Shakespeare Learn about Shakespeare a...


Onomatopoeia is a figure of speech consisting  of words that describe sounds.